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Memory Speed

Memory Speed

The main purpose of the memory is to store the information provided by the user. Whenever CPU(Central Processing Unit) needs the information, a request is sent which is managed by the Memory Controller. The Memory Controller inturn sends the request to the memory and informs the CPU when the Information is available. This whole process of Feteching and Executing the information in depend upon the memory speed and other entities like Bus Speed.

The Memory Speed is actually measured in MegaHertz(MHz), or it can be measured by knowin the actual time required for data delivery which is measured in nanoseconds. By using the Megahertz or Nanoseconds, memory speed indicates how quickly the memory module itself can deliver the information which is fetched.

Time Taken To Access

Access time measures from when the memory module recieves a data request to when that data becomes avaialble. The access times are marked on each of memory chips and memory modules ranging from 80ns to 50ns. The low number on the memory chip indicates faster speed.


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