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The term memory usually refers to RAM (Random Access Memory). The main purpose of a RAM (Random Access Memory) is to take temporary instructions and data needed to complete the tasks. The access of instructions and data stored in memory is very quick due to RAM (Random Access Memory) in the CPU. For example if a computer loads an application namely Microsoft Office -such as word processing or page layout into memory, the program is allowed to access as quickly and efficiently as possible. Thus the work is done faster with less time and allows the computer to perform other tasks efficiently.

The File and Folders are placed in such a way that it should be available easyily without any problem. By doing so, you keep all the files you need handy and avoid search in several places every time you need them.

Differentiating Memory And Storage

The terms memory and storage are often confused by people, mainly during describing the amount they have of each. The amount of RAM insalled in the computer refers to the term memory, Whereas the capacity of the computers harddisk refers to the term Storage. Let us consider a computer to an office that contains a desk and a file cabinet to clarify the common mixup.

Consider the Desk-and-File Cabinet metaphor, it would be like if every time you wanted for a file or document you need to retrive from a file drawer. This process makes to slow down tremendously. With adequate desk space - the information can be retrieved immediately, often with a glance.

Adequate Need Of Memory

The memory requirements for a desktop computers depends on the computer's operating system and the application software used on it. Atleast 32MB of memory is required for the word processing and spreadsheet applications to run. The software and operating system developers continue to extend the capabilities of their products, which usually need greater memory requirements. Now-a-days developers assumes a minimum memory configuration of 64MB. Computers using Graphics, Publishing and multimedia call for atleast 128MB of memory and it's important for such computers to have 256MB or more for better performances.


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